Achieve your Goals & Get a Free Copy of Chaos to Control

Chaos to Control for sale in Easons Bookshop

Frustration & Stress

Some years ago I sat in a friends house drinking tea. I was stressed out, unhappy and frustrated. Life wasn’t going to plan and approaching mid thirties I felt time was running out. I told my friend how frustrated I felt, how exhausted I was with two children under two and how disappointed I was that I hadn’t achieved any of my dreams.

She asked me “If you could achieve one thing in the next couple of years what would it be?” I answered immediately “Write a book”, but in the same breath I said, “but where would I find the time?” I barely had time to go to the bathroom unaccompanied.

A Simple Solution

Her reply gave me a simple solution which didn’t just help me to write Chaos to Control, but has helped me to introduce many positive habits into my life and achieve many goals that I may not have done without it.

“Ten minutes a day can write a book”

These words shifted my perspective on how to live my life and how to change my world for the better. All of a sudden I stopped feeling overwhelmed and I saw possibility. For the first time I understood that it was achievable and that all I had to do was to commit to ten minutes a day. Surely I could do that?

What dreams have been eluding you?

What could you do with ten minutes a day? It may seem like too little time but it’s enough to break the hold that procrastination has over you. It gives you a way to overcome your fears and objections and just go for it.

What have you got to loose? Nothing except ten minutes.

Commit to Ten Minutes

The ten minute rule tricks your brain into taking action. If you only have to commit to ten minutes a day you are less likely to avoid the task.

Give it a go and let me know how you get on……

If you need more of a kick start and some support along the way join us on the Get Set for Success journey, starting on the 13th of January 2014. Need help identifying and setting goals? Want to break down the barriers that have held you back so far? My seven week, online interactive course will show you had to set goals and help you to achieve them. It will show you the system that I teach executives in my training and coaching sessions that helps them to get organised, stay focused and become at least 10% more productive each day.

My Christmas gift to you is a 40% discount off the normal price, until December 25th you can sign up for Get Set for Success for just €55. Sign up anytime between now and the end of Black Friday and you will get a free copy of Chaos to Control with your registration; delivered to anywhere in the world.

I hope you decide to join me and the other “Get Setters” who are taking action towards positive change.


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Comments (1)

Yes. Ten minutes a day can go a long way. I just lost 15lbs. by committing 10 minutes of my day..

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